The upside to enabling the Spam Box is that you avoid having to download unccessary junk, yet you can easily login to your webmail account to see if a message has ended up there by mistake. This folder is automatically created when the first spam message is caught. Enabling the Spam Box means that rather than emails just being tagged they are actualy moved to special folder on the server, therefore not actually getting to your desktop inbox. This setting allows you to then configure your email client to filter these message based on the tag. When you first enable Spam Assassin it will simply tag emails as spam by putting ***SPAM*** in front of the subject(unless you have enabled “Auto-Delete Spam”). Again, you need to be very careful with the settings you apply to reduce the chance of false positives.

This can be helpful in keeping things easy to manage but is generally only recommended if you can deal with occasionally losing legitimate emails. You can also select to automatically delete spam as soon as it arrives. High threshold = 10 (much less spam caught but least likely to produce false positives) Medium threshold = 7.5 (slightly less spam caught but fewer false positives) You can always change this number down the track if you find you get a high level of false positives. A higher number will result in less spam getting tagged and reduces false positives. The default filter level is set to 5 which is good for most end users. This will turn Spam Assassin on using its default settings. To get started, simply select the “Enable Spam Assassin” button. Once logged into your cPanel you will see Spam Assassin located under the Mail tab.Ĭlicking on the link will take you to the main configuration page where you will see a variety of options.

The key is configuring it to offer you extra protection whilst producing as few false positives as possible. By default Spam Assassin is disabled in your cPanel but it is a relatively simple procedure to activate it. Spam Assassin is a very effective antipsam tool and it is offered with all of AUSWEB cPanel hosting plans.