
Diy landscape design
Diy landscape design

Ink pens make clearer, darker lines, but erasing is almost impossible. Different pencil lead weights help depict the landscape features in different ways. The typical rating system for drafting pencils goes from 6H to 6B, where 6H is very hard and light and 6B is very soft and dark. Special drafting pencils vary based on the hardness of the lead. Most beginners prefer to draw landscape plans using a regular pencil and a good eraser. Features of the landscape are drawn with a sharp pencil or rolling ink pen. The base map is essentially a birdâ?s-eye view of the landscape. (See UGA Extension Circular 1032-4, Drawing a Landscape Plan: Site Analysis, for more information on conducting a site analysis.) Drawing Materials The base map is usually drawn after completing a site analysis. Interesting landscape features such as rock outcroppings could also be drawn on a landscape base map. Some base maps also show details such as the location of overhead and underground utilities, streams, ditches and any easements or setbacks. The base map should also include the locations of meters, utility boxes and poles, as these are expensive to move and require occasional access. Draw the street in front of the house along with the property lines. The outline or footprint of the house should also include the location of doors, windows, heating and air conditioning units, and spigots.

diy landscape design

A good base map should show all structures, including sidewalks and driveways.

Diy landscape design