Do not sacrifice your safety, no event is more important than having gear that fits and canopies that are safe to fly. An appropriate harness size may not be available for the size canopies you need. It's important to note that many drop zones don't have the same quality of rental gear that you may be used to.
The last thing you want is to show up at an event and have to wait hours and hours for that one rental rig to free up.

If you plan to rent or use demo gear there, be sure to call ahead and check on availability for gear in the size you need. You learned to do thorough gear checks, so don't forget that they are just as important when you are in a completely new environment. Every dropzone does not have a gear store or rigging loft on-site, so these things may not be readily available for purchase. If you're bringing your own gear to the boogie, make sure your reserve is in date (and will be for the entire length of the boogie) and that you have extra rubber bands, closing loops and pull-up cords handy. There are no stupid questions when it comes to understanding a new dropzone's procedures. If you have any questions, ask manifest for help. Spend some time watching a few loads land to get more familiar with how people are flying that day. Be sure to check the ground winds and uppers, just like you would at your home dropzone so you can know what to expect under canopy and plan your pattern accordingly. Dropzones have different rules about how they determine landing directions and some even have specific rules about which directions you are allowed to land in certain landing areas. Be sure you understand how each of these tell you which way the wind is blowing, especially if it's a different indicator than you're used to. Some dropzones use wind socks, some use flags and some use a tetrahedron to determine wind direction. The more you know before you make a skydive, the more you'll be able to just relax and have fun during the jumps. This is also a good time to note the obstacles and possible alternate landing areas. Ask an instructor or fun jumper to point out some easy-to-spot landmarks you'll be able to see under canopy. Before you jump, it is your responsibility to know the rules and the information you'll need to keep yourself and fellow jumpers safe.Īsk to see an overhead picture of the dropzone and the landing area so that you have an idea what to look for on that first skydive at the new place. All of these things could be done slightly differently than you learned at home. Be sure you learn about landing areas, landing patterns, recommended outs, procedures for landing off the airport, exit order, canopy traffic, aircraft procedures, where/how to manifest and more. The dropzone should provide a staff member or instructor to give you the lay of the land and event-specific areas you need to know about. Ask for a briefing when you fill out your waiver.

Take some time to acquaint yourself with the dropzone. You'll be asked to fill out a waiver, receive a gear check (including your reserve data card) and show proof with your logbook that you are current. If you are bringing your own gear, you will need to have it with you at check-in. Traveling to a new drop zone where no one knows you means you will need to show proof that you have been properly trained and licensed as a skydiver, so remember to bring your A-license card and your log book. Accept that there will be a bit of a learning curve, prepare to have fun, and trust in the skills and knowledge that you have acquired in your training. Don't be too intimidated! It is a great chance to meet new people and learn more about skydiving. Your first time away from "home" and the familiar equipment, people, planes, gear and landing area you're used to can seem stressful. This article contains advice and reminders for new jumpers considering traveling to jump somewhere new or attend one of the many awesome events this season.
Part of doing that is providing mentoring long after a jumper has a license in hand. The Freefall University Skydiving School aims to turn students into competent, safe skydivers who enjoy long careers in the sport. Of course, this adds new issues to consider than you may be used to. One of the most fun things about having your license is the ability to travel to new dropzones and attend events with other licensed jumpers.

The world of skydiving opens up once you earn your A License, and your life really is in your hands. There is plenty to think about as a new jumper.